Privacy Policy and Cookies

Protection of personal data

Who we are

Our identification data as the controller and processor of personal data is:

Na Sadech 639, 383 01, Prachatice
CIN: 01518763, TIN: CZ01518763
File reference number C 21706 by the Municipal Court in České Budějovice
(hereinafter also referred to as "administrator“)

Data protection

Welcome to the website AUTOGAS CENTRUM PLUS We appreciate your interest in our company. The protection of the personal data you entrust to us is our priority and we want you to feel safe when visiting our site and online offers.

It is important to us that you are fully informed about what personal data we collect and how we use it.

What data we collect and process:

  • identification data, especially name and other identification data to the extent necessary,
  • contact details, in particular telephone number and e-mail address,
  • information resulting from cookies.

How we process data

We process the data provided by you mainly in electronic form and they are stored in this form. In paper form, personal data are processed in necessary cases, such as concluded contracts. Access to sources of personal data (including mail servers) is realized through a secure connection and protected by access rights with unique passwords of authorized users. All these systems are standard products whose providers guarantee compliance of data processing with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR").

Purpose of data processing

AUTOGAS CENTRUM PLUS is a leading provider of technical services, operating in the market segments of industry, production and transport. Our range of services includes sales, installation, repair, consultancy, inspection, testing and expert assessment, as well as certification and training activities. Our goal is reliability, safety, quality, environmental protection and profitability of our clients. If AUTOGAS CENTRUM PLUS processes personal data, it does so for the reasons stated in this privacy statement.

Processing of personal data

Our website

In order to be able to send the content of our pages that you visit (e.g. texts, images and downloads) to your computer, we record and store its IP address within the meaning of Article 6 (1) letter b of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as GDPR ). We also process this data for the purposes of detecting and monitoring their possible misuse. Article 6 (1) letter f GDPR serves as the legal basis for this. In this context, in connection with data processing, our legitimate interest is to ensure the proper functioning of our website and the implementation of business activities through it.

To process data for the above purposes related to the functioning of our website, it is your contractual obligation to provide us with this data.

Other purposes

We also process personal data that you give us voluntarily, e.g. when you make an inquiry, arrange an appointment or when you order information materials or subscribe to the newsletter. In this case, the legal title for this processing is Article 6 (1) letter b GDPR. In this context, we process data on customers, employees and suppliers to the extent necessary for the purposes stated in this privacy statement.

In order to process data for receiving and processing your request, arranging a meeting or ordering (newsletter), it is your contractual obligation to provide us with this data. Without them, we are unable to process your request.

If you give us your consent to the processing of personal data (in the sense of Article 6 (1) letter a GDPR), you can revoke it at any time. Revocation of consent does not affect the legality of processing based on consent in the period before the revocation.

Transfer of personal data to third parties

In principle, the data is processed by AUTOGAS CENTRUM PLUS or one of its partners, which provides the required support or service.

This means that your data may also be processed by another legal entity. In this case, the processing is limited to the extent necessary for the purpose defined in this statement or defined by the obligation of the concerned legal entity as a service provider / processor to comply with the instructions set by the controller when providing services and processing data.

In some cases, we use the services of other suppliers (in the territory of the Czech Republic) who process data on our behalf (e.g. in e-mail marketing, during the creation and development of software or when processing customer requests). In such cases, the information is transferred to third parties to enable their processing. External suppliers are carefully selected and regularly reviewed to ensure the protection of your personal data.

These service providers / processors are bound by our guidelines. Among them is the fact that the processing of your personal data takes place exclusively according to them and in accordance with applicable laws. They are contractually bound to treat personal data in a strictly confidential manner and are not allowed to process it for any other purpose.

The transfer of personal data to the data processor is governed by Article 28 (1) GDPR.

We will not sell your personal information to third parties and will not provide it to anyone for commercial purposes.

On the other hand, in the event of an investigation into the illegal use of our services or in the event of a criminal prosecution, we will provide your personal data without your consent to law enforcement authorities and possibly injured third parties. The condition of such transfer must be specific proof of illegal conduct or use. The transfer of your personal data may also occur in order to enforce the terms of use or contractual acts. We are also required by law to pass on information to certain public institutions upon request. These include law enforcement authorities, authorities authorized to impose penal sanctions for offenses and financial authorities.

The transfer of personal data in this case would be our legitimate interest in combating illegal use, prosecuting criminal offenses and securing and enforcing claims, provided that this interest of ours does not violate your rights and interests regarding the protection of your personal data pursuant to Article 6 (1) letter f GDPR.

Transfer of data to third countries

We currently do not transfer personal data to third countries. If we were to do so, we would have to establish appropriate safeguards and appropriate safeguards for their security. In particular, in accordance with legal requirements, we would have to inform you about the recipients or categories of recipients of personal data.

Data security

AUTOGAS CENTRUM PLUS takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental and intentional manipulation or loss, unwanted damage and access by unauthorized persons. This also applies to external services purchased by us. We constantly check the effectiveness of our data protection and constantly improve it in accordance with technological developments. All personal data is secured by an encryption process during transmission.


In order to ensure a more pleasant and user-friendly behavior of our website in relation to the needs of visitors, some parts of it may use cookies. A cookie is a small file that is stored on your computer when you visit a certain website. When viewing the website on the same device, the cookie will then recognize that you are a repeat visitor. Cookies also allow us to analyze the use of the site. They do not include any personal information and cannot identify you on third-party websites – including the websites of analytics service providers.

We use the following types of cookies:

  • Basic and necessary cookies
    These cookies are the most important for the functioning of our website. It is used, for example, to assign an anonymous session identifier to summarize all queries for a network server or to ensure the flawless functioning of registrations and orders.
  • Functional cookies
    These cookies help us to save settings or functions, with the help of which we can make it easier for you to navigate the pages. For example, they allow us to remember your preferred settings for the needs of your next visits or your login information for some parts of our site.
  • Statistical cookies
    These cookies collect information about the way you use our website (e.g. which browser you use, how often you visit the pages, which subpages you open or how long you stay here). They do not store any data that would allow visitors to be personally identified. The data collected using these cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous.

You can enable or disable the use of cookies in your browser (including those that track movement on websites). You can set your browser to notify you if a new cookie file is saved, or to completely prohibit the saving of cookies. However, if you disable the use of cookies, you may not be able to use some of the site's functions (for example, ordering). Your browser also offers the option to delete cookies (for example, using the Clear History function). For more information, see your browser settings help.

Anonymous website monitoring

In order to improve our website for the needs of customers, we analyze their interaction with customers. We anonymize customers' IP addresses (and any other information that customers' computers and other devices exchange with the Site during normal Internet use) and then evaluate that information, such as how many times your browser and computer have visited the Site and its microsite. We also use cookies for these purposes. Our cookies only contain a unique number, by which we can recognize how often you visit our site, but not other Internet sites. We use the collected data for statistical purposes only. We never associate IP addresses with user identities. We do not transfer the data to other entities.

Use of Google Universal Analytics

This website uses the Universal Analytics analytics service provided by Google Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Google). The service uses ′cookies′, text files stored on your computer, to analyze the way you use our site. The data collected by cookies (including your IP address) is stored on Google servers in the USA.

We use means of anonymizing IP addresses on our website, which means that the IP addresses of users from EU member states and signatory states of the European Economic Area are deleted in advance by Google. Only in exceptional cases are full IP addresses sent to Google servers in the USA and subsequently deleted. On behalf of the website provider, Google will use this data to analyze your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide us with other services related to website and internet usage. Google does not associate the IP addresses obtained from your computer as part of the Universal Analytics service with other data it owns. You can disable the storage of cookies on your computer by setting the appropriate browser settings. In this case, however, you will not be able to use some functions on our website. You can also prevent Google from collecting and using website usage data via cookies (including IP addresses) by downloading and installing the application from the link

You can opt out of data collection by Google Universal Analytics by clicking on the following link. After clicking, a blocking cookie will be set, which will make it impossible for all future visits to this site to track you and store information about your behavior. Deactivate Google Universal Analytics:

More information about the terms of use and personal data protection can be found on the page or

Our website uses the "anonymizeIp" tool as part of Universal Analytics, which anonymizes the recording of IP addresses (IP masking) and excludes personal identification.

Connection to social networks

You will find social network buttons on our website:

  • facebook, Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
  • Google+, Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • Twitter, Twitter Inc., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
  • Xing, XING AG, Gänsemarkt 43, 20354 Hamburg, Německo
  • YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno CA 94066, USA

The logotypes of individual social networks are displayed on the buttons. However, the buttons are not standard social network plugins, just links. Buttons can only be activated intentionally (by clicking). If you do not click on the buttons, no data is transmitted to social networks. By clicking on the buttons, you agree to the communication in the relevant social network.

When clicked, the button acts as a shared plugin. The social network then receives information about the page you came from and it is shared with your friends and contacts. You must be logged in to "share" information. If you are not logged in, the login page of the social network will open and you will leave If you are logged in, your like or article recommendation will be transferred.

After clicking the button, the social network also receives information about the page you came from and when it happened. Information about your IP address, your browser and its language settings may also be sent. If you click on the button, information about it will be transmitted to the social network and used according to the network's data protection strategy.

After clicking on such a button, we no longer have control over the collected and processed data. We are not responsible for the further processing of personal data and we are not a controller within the meaning of the GDPR. We also do not know the scope of the collected data, the legal environment, the purpose or the storage period. Therefore, the information provided here may not be complete.

The data will be transferred regardless of whether you currently have an account with the service provider and are logged into it or not. If you are logged in with the provider, the data will be assigned directly to your account. The provider may also use cookies stored on your computer.

To the best of our knowledge, the providers of these networks store this data in user profiles that are used for advertising, market research and demand-oriented site design. This type of analysis (even for non-logged in users) is used to present interest-based advertising and inform other users of the social network about your visit to our website. You have the right to refuse consent to the creation of user profiles. You must exercise this right with the relevant provider.

Information on the purpose and scope of collected data, its processing by the relevant social network operator and on the rights and protection of personal data can be found at the following links:

If you do not want the social network to collect data about you, do not click the button.

Standard data retention period before deletion

Various conditions and obligations for the retention period of personal data are established by law. After the expiry of the prescribed periods, the data is deleted in the usual way. Data that are not covered by the aforementioned regulations are deleted or anonymized as soon as the purpose according to this privacy statement ceases. Unless otherwise stated in the privacy statement, we keep the collected data for the time necessary for the above purposes.

Further use and deletion of personal data

Any further use of personal data is possible only to the extent permitted by law or with the consent of the owners. If we intend to further process data for purposes other than those originally collected, we will inform you of the relevant services and provide you with all relevant information prior to processing.

Identification and prosecution of unauthorized use

We store all data enabling the identification and prosecution of unauthorized use, especially IP addresses, for a maximum of seven days. The legal basis for this is Article 6 (1) letter f GDPR. Our legitimate interest in retaining data for a period of seven days is to ensure the proper functioning of our website and transactions carried out through this website and to enable the fight against cyber-attacks and similar malicious activities. We can use the anonymous collected data to modify the appearance of our pages in the interest of the users' needs.

Rights related to the processing of personal data

Right of access
You have the right, upon request, to obtain information from us about the personal data that we record and process about you, within the scope set forth in Article 15 of the GDPR. You can send your request via the contact given at the end of this privacy statement.

Right to edit
Upon request, you have the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected without undue delay, in accordance with Article 16 GDPR. You can send your request via the contact given at the end of this privacy statement.

Right to erasure
In accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR, you have the right to the immediate deletion of personal data concerning you ("the right to be forgotten"). You can do so if the personal data are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were processed, if you wish to withdraw your consent to the processing, or if the legal basis for the processing of the data has expired (and has not been replaced by another legitimate justification for the processing - you cannot object to direct advertising). You can send your request via the contact given at the end of this privacy statement.

Right to restriction of processing
If the criteria set out in Article 18 of the GDPR are met, you have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data. The article stipulates that this limitation may be requested in case of illegal processing and the relevant person does not request erasure, but only a limitation of the scope of personal data processing, or in the case that the person does not consent to the processing according to Article 21 (1) GDPR and there is no clear legitimate reason exceeding the interest of the person who is the subject of personal data. You can send your request via the contact given at the end of this privacy statement.

Right to portability
You have the right to the portability of your personal data, provided for in Article 20 of the GDPR. This means that you have the right to receive your personal data provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to transfer this data to another processor, for example another service provider. The condition is that this processing is based on consent or a contract and is carried out using automated means. You can send your request via the contact given at the end of this privacy statement.

The right to object
According to Article 21 GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time, based on Article 6 (1) letter e or f GDPR, depending on the specific situation. If we cannot prove a legal basis for the processing that outweighs the protection of your interests, rights and freedoms, or if the processing is not based on the exercise or protection of legal claims, we will stop processing your personal data. You can send your request by post or email to the addresses listed at the end of the document.

Right to complain to a supervisory authority
If you believe that our processing of your personal data is illegal or impermissible, you have the right to file a complaint against our company with a supervisory authority. That is in the Czech Republic:

Office for Personal Data Protection
Pplk. Sochora 27
170 00 Prague 7
Phone number: +420 234 665 111
Fax: +420 234 665 444

Contact persons regarding the protection of personal data

Inquiries regarding the processing of your personal data, requests for information, claims and complaints should be sent to the Commissioner and Coordinator and Personal Data Protection:

Ing. Marek Osvald, AUTOGAS CENTRUM PLUS s.r.o.
Na Sadech 639
383 01  Prachatice, Czech Republic

Administrator contact details:

Na Sadech 639
383 01  Prachatice, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 389 822 700

Date: May 2018

Write us

Please, write us your name.
Please, write us your phone number.
Please, write us your email address.
Neplatný vstup
Please, give us your consent to the processing of personal data.